Monday, September 21, 2009

I <3 Sluts and Gays

Since I have started this blog I have been receiving constant phone calls from friends and family exclaiming their encounters with a great sticker I could comment on. It was just earlier today my sister's boyfriend (Kevin) met us for coffee, sharing his sighting of a gigantic white truck with "the best bumper sticker" he has yet seen. First off, the driver was apparently dressed in a pimp suit. No tall tee, no bling, but a straight "pimp costume you see in Halloween stores". After hearing this, I was not shocked to hear the sticker read: I HEART SLUTS! offended? no. shocked? no. hysterical laughing? yes! THANK YOU FOR HAVING A SENSE OF HUMOR!! now... I only have to drive up and down 5th south to find this character and document it myself! I mean really...a pimp suit in September?

On a not so much lighter note, another bumper sticker that has caught my attention this past week are the Equal, blue and yellow stickers.

No bigger than 2 by 2 in, these stickers reveal equal rights for gays, thus emphasizing on the right to gay marriage. I have and always will support gay rights, but it wasn't my activist emotion that this particular sticker brought out. Instead, my first reaction was contemplating a situation where I was the one being targeted. What if someone, or some religion, or in this case now a law, was telling me "I" did not have the "right" to marry someone I loved. What if it was "I"that so many hated or misunderstood based on my own personal decisions, or yet rather my biological being. I could not imagine, I was truly devastated.
It is a shame history keeps repeating and repeating itself. Is gay rights still an issue? It was only less than fifty years ago the civil rights movement...and not much longer than that the women's right movement. How long is it going to take for our society to ACCEPT everyone, and realize "separate is not equal!!"

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