Monday, September 28, 2009

Something I've always wondered myself

There are no answers, just excuses.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I <3 Sluts and Gays

Since I have started this blog I have been receiving constant phone calls from friends and family exclaiming their encounters with a great sticker I could comment on. It was just earlier today my sister's boyfriend (Kevin) met us for coffee, sharing his sighting of a gigantic white truck with "the best bumper sticker" he has yet seen. First off, the driver was apparently dressed in a pimp suit. No tall tee, no bling, but a straight "pimp costume you see in Halloween stores". After hearing this, I was not shocked to hear the sticker read: I HEART SLUTS! offended? no. shocked? no. hysterical laughing? yes! THANK YOU FOR HAVING A SENSE OF HUMOR!! now... I only have to drive up and down 5th south to find this character and document it myself! I mean really...a pimp suit in September?

On a not so much lighter note, another bumper sticker that has caught my attention this past week are the Equal, blue and yellow stickers.

No bigger than 2 by 2 in, these stickers reveal equal rights for gays, thus emphasizing on the right to gay marriage. I have and always will support gay rights, but it wasn't my activist emotion that this particular sticker brought out. Instead, my first reaction was contemplating a situation where I was the one being targeted. What if someone, or some religion, or in this case now a law, was telling me "I" did not have the "right" to marry someone I loved. What if it was "I"that so many hated or misunderstood based on my own personal decisions, or yet rather my biological being. I could not imagine, I was truly devastated.
It is a shame history keeps repeating and repeating itself. Is gay rights still an issue? It was only less than fifty years ago the civil rights movement...and not much longer than that the women's right movement. How long is it going to take for our society to ACCEPT everyone, and realize "separate is not equal!!"

Monday, September 14, 2009

Support our Troops

It all started a couple of years ago. At first they were too subtle to take notice of, but after appearing on every soccer-mom's bumper in America I finally squinted a little bit harder. The apparently growing popularity of "Support Our Troops" ribbons had finally caught my attention. I had never really thought much about them. Just another bumper sticker among the many. It wasn't until getting cut off by a supersized SUV the other day that I was forced to contemplate the sincerity of these stickers. I'm all for supporting the troops, but seriously, does throwing a five dollar purchase on your vehicle really classify you as an ambitious supporter? It seems to me like these stickers are more of a trend than a genuine outcry. Not to mention the type of vehicles that sport the ribbons. Apparently you need an SUV to buy one of these things. If irony hasn't slapped these sticker-bearers in the face, then maybe I should break it down for them. Driving a four-ton SUV around that gets 10 mpg is NOT supporting your troops. Has it not crossed these peoples minds that the reason we are in a war is because mindless consumers cant cut dependence on foreign oil? But no, thinking like that is trouble, I mean how fun is watching a DVD in the backseat of a 4-wheel drive tank when you feel guilty about it. I'm sure when Private Jones gets back from Iraq with his legs blown to bits he's gonna look at the back of that Hummer and say, "Wow, look at that sticker. I'm glad the citizens i'm risking my life to protect are supporting me in every way they can!" Maybe I'm being to harsh, but this is just one of the many hypocrisys that seem to linger in our modern society. We are all hypocrites in some way or another. lets face it, we are a society fixated on over-consumption. And until we can stop lying to ourselves, and ditch the luxeries in life that we all feel so entitled to, maybe none of us are better than those a#$h*@s with ribbons on their Hummers.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Bumpin Bumpers

It wasn't until the other week I had not only first heard the term "bumperwhore", but I had also been dubbed the title. A "bumperwhore" according to the web's popular and apprehension Urban Dictionary is a:
2. "A person that puts their car too close to yours."
So though I was at fault, when trying to capture the Subaru's (above image) erratic hatchback, I realized that these labels not only convey a message but also intend for a reaction.

Bumper stickers range from all fields of different interests, whether it be political campaigns, commercial slogans, religious purposes, or very often just for laughs. In the weeks to follow I will document my reaction to particular bumper stickers I encounter. I have frequently found most bumper stickers to be hypocritical or excusable for the apathetic. Other I have found to be insightful, and even a few worth calling up a friend hysterical laughing reciting, "I just saw the best bumper sticker ever!" Whatever the sticker may be, I find myself to be more opinionated, curious, and fascinated in an infinite amount of events taking place during our times, and have finally found a way to creativly express these thoughts through numerous slogans that spark the beginning of an idea.

My first reaction to the above picture...wouldn't it be easier to just have an
electronic marque, than everyone would really get the idea of how devoted and represented the driver is with the short words and pictures on their bumper!
(I might have also just been bitter about being announced a bumperwhore that day)