Monday, December 7, 2009

Isabel Allende

I have seen this bumper sticker a few times driving around campus, and it has recently reminded me of Isabel Allende's speech she made on campus last Wednesday. Isabel Allende is a Chilean-American writer (The House of Spirits, Zorro) who has also been described as the world's most widely read Spanish-language author. Many of her works are based on her real-life experiences, those of being a political refugee and suppressed minority. Her speech on Wednesday not only moved me, but strongly inspired me to speak out more. She discussed the on-going brutalities woman face all over the world, including the aids and rape issue in many African nations. Opening our minds, standing up, and residing power for love are just a few points she mentioned during her speech about woman. She is an amazing person, and encouraged everyone to demand for change in hopes of a better and more peaceful world.

1 comment:

  1. I went to Isabel Allende's speech and loved it! I especially liked what she said about the secret to what women want: first, they just want to be heard. Then, they'll tell you what they want. Awesome!
