Monday, December 7, 2009

Idealism Verus Reality

I started out loving this bumper sticker, and until creating this blog I found myself to dislike it more and more. I am talking about the very popular bumper sticker "CoExist" that purposes the idea to accept all religions, beliefs, and customs around the world in hopes of living peacefully. Well, it would be nice if mankind actually abide by the saying, however we do not live in anything remotely close to "CoExisting". I am starting to find the sticker more of a hyporcritical and navie statement rather than one of influence (like almost all bumbper stickers I see). It is fine to support a great "idea" but in reality the driver probably cares more that people regonize him or hers peaceful intentions. Stickers are never going to stop war, end poverty, save the enviroment, or solve world hunger...they never have. Its time people start taking ACTION rather than hiding behind little sayings and t-shirts that promote world peace. I have recently started to volunteer for the International Refugee Committee as a family mentor. I am working with a family that has recently come over from Bhutan, in fleet of the political turmoil. The roots of the political turmoil are found in multi-ethnic groups and religion. Their religion has created a caste system, where those of lower caste are highly subjected to torturing and genocide. I am greatly appreciated to be living a life where I have not experienced such hatred, but am also greatly appreciated to be aware of the fact there are those less fortunate who are in a constant battle with society's corruption. I do believe its possible for Co-Existence, and although there are many ugly truths to our world, I still think we can change. Working with this Nepalese family has been a wake up call for me, and realize that our "good ideas" or "good bumper stickers" are simply ideas. It is going to take creativity and action for any chance of seeing "Coexistence".

Isabel Allende

I have seen this bumper sticker a few times driving around campus, and it has recently reminded me of Isabel Allende's speech she made on campus last Wednesday. Isabel Allende is a Chilean-American writer (The House of Spirits, Zorro) who has also been described as the world's most widely read Spanish-language author. Many of her works are based on her real-life experiences, those of being a political refugee and suppressed minority. Her speech on Wednesday not only moved me, but strongly inspired me to speak out more. She discussed the on-going brutalities woman face all over the world, including the aids and rape issue in many African nations. Opening our minds, standing up, and residing power for love are just a few points she mentioned during her speech about woman. She is an amazing person, and encouraged everyone to demand for change in hopes of a better and more peaceful world.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Broccoli is the new pork

So being a vegetarian for seven years, I actually found this bumper sticker to be quite amusing.
