Monday, November 23, 2009

In-N-an hour later Out

Since when did fast food take twenty minutes to order and another thirty minutes for the food to come out? Well...since an In-N-Out, a highly well off burger franchise started in Irvine, California opened up this past weekend in Draper, Utah. Sunday, I decided to make the twenty minute drive to the fast food restaurant with a buddy of mine. I first experienced In-N-Out in San Diego California, during a summer spent at surf camp. I remember the fries being incredibly fresh and the Neapolitan shakes giving three rich flavors in one cup. When we arrived however this past weekend, I had no idea In-N-Out had quite the reputation! The line to dine in was well beyond out the door, with heat lamps provided for the eager, shivering customers. The drive threw line was two-three blocks long, flooding into other shopping centers and parking lots. Despite the wait, the patrons looked excited and patient.

Two of the franchise's employees awaited the customers outside the doors with free bumper stickers and hats.

One of the employees even took the time to explain just how big of a deal this new burger joint was. Apparently, most of the employees were recruited from other In-N-Outs across the West. They take very good care of their employees, even offering health care!! Exceeding minimum wages by far, to flip burgers there, one would probably have to serve two or three years at the restaurant before claiming such a title. The nice employee from Arizona also explained to us that he had encountered families visiting from Idaho and even from California earlier that day. WOAH...for burger and fries??? Don't people have anything better to do? I guess not...

Being a vegetarian, I ordered their classic grilled cheese and regular fries (the animal fries seemed to intimidating at the time) and received by order number:46, which was exactly 78 numbers away from being called. We finally received our food and ate contently outside. The meal was quite satisfying, and as we drove away I realized the ten cars in front of us to all have In-N-Out bumper stickers.

Was it good? Yes. Worth a twenty minute drive? Sure why not, it was a mellow Sunday. Worth a 12 hour drive? Probably not. Putting their sticker are on my car? Definitely not, I think I'll devote my passions and interests elsewhere. =)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Reading is Sexy

This weekend, waiting in line at a drive threw coffee shop I had noticed the black Cherokee jeep's bumper sticker: Reading is sexy!

Hmmm... While I have always loved to read, I had never really considered it sexy? Either way, I took the bumper sticker as a compliment and also came to the realization that I love nothing more than discussing a common book or article with someone else. I admit, I usually am the annoying one in the group constantly asking if you have ever read, or you should read. And whenever someone replys, I have read that! I can not help but take a particular liking to that person! Since I have moved into my apartment this fall, I have not had the T.V. or internet. Eventually I would like to have the internet, I just haven't gotten over the fact that I can not bum it off my neighbor this time...however I have noticed a major change in myself overcoming this society's dependence on the two technologies. I have read an increasingly amount of books in the past two months, have spent the majority of my time outside, and have taken up other hobbies such as cooking and painting. I may not be up to date on who got voted off Dancing with the Stars last week, but instead share a compelling classic I just read or the latest ideas from new scientists such as Micho Kaku that are constantly publishing books on their latest work. I think it is important to take a break from the T.V/facebook/video games and become more creative with your time!